ISRID DbS Productions
Veterinary Tactical Group
Animated SAR Knots
Russel Bone Atlas
Articles - Under Construction
By: Jennifer Pennington, Hound and Found
You have thousands of tiny pieces of your body leaving you every minute; 40,000 pieces to be exact. These tiny cornflake like bits are...
Direction & Control
By: Shirley Hammond
In order to search areas that the handler is not allowed to access or to avoid hazardous areas, the disaster search dog must be capable of being directed and controlled at a distance. The handler may need to stop the dog, and then send the dog laterally, then stop the dog, call the dog to the handler, and then...
By: Grisha Stewart
BAT helps animals gain confidence and social skills. BAT is a natural method that creates an emotionally safe interaction with minimal intrusion. BAT is especially useful when the “triggers” for frustration, aggression, or fear are living beings, for example when dogs bark at or bite other dogs or people.