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Glossaries: K9 SAR Glossary

Back-Chaining : A teaching methodology, where the training of the chained behaviors occurs in reverse order. The final behavior is taught first, and the second-to-last behavior is added and taught next, and so forth.

For example: the very first behavior a back-chained "live find" dog is taught: is to play with new humans (the reward). For a Stay-and-Bark, the second behavior would be to "bark at a stranger" and then play. 

VSRDA Glossary

  • Eddying
    Eddying: When flowing air moves along/over a large linear obstacle, like a treeline, and the air curls around the edges and swirls.  

Teaching Direction & Control

Article by Shirley Hammond on teaching Direction & Control to K9s, using platforms and markers. 

Effective Use of Dogs in Search Management

Article by David Godfrey-Smith provides guidelines for law enforcement and search managers, in regards to how best to utilize SAR K9s. 

How Scent and Airflow Works

Article by Jennifer Pennington with custom illustrations on how scent and airflow affects search dogs.